Triforine Rose Fungicide is a trans-located fungicide combining both eradicant and protectant action for the control of black spot, powdery mildew and rust in roses.
Key Features & Benefits
A highly active fungicide.
Translocated after entering through the leaf and other green parts and spreading through the foliage to give complete protection
New growth after spraying is not protected
Easy to use liquid mixes with readily waterr
Offers both protective and curative activity against diseases
Flowers and foliage of roses at all stages of growth are unharmed by Triforine
Thorough spray coverage is essential for best results
Not to be applied during abnormally hot weather
Avoid use if slow drying conditions exist
Diluted spray cannot be stored
Triforine is compatable with the following products. Kendon Carbaryl, Pirimor and Pyrethrum
When to Use
Commence spraying early spring as new growth appears.
Spray at intervals of 7 - 10 days for as long as the disease is active.
Should be used in a spray program with protectant sprays ( captan, mancozeb).
We have won another gold medal for our Shiraz, all due to Kendon High K allowing my vines to achieve their full genetic potential. And we can pick our grapes 2-4 weeks earlier than our neighbours when the fruit has already achieved 22% Brix,.
One day after we fertigated my apple trees with Kendon High K, the apple leaves were noticeably greener and shinier. We could all see the difference. With our apricots, the fruit were on fire, they were so red! The fruit ripened all at the same time, meaning 2 picks instead of 3. The skin was firmer and the flesh was the sweetest we have noticed. This is due to our use of Kendon High K fertigated 3 times before harvest, 2 weeks apart. True confession: this season, we missed our window of applying Kendon High K to the apricots pre-harvest. The crop was pale, didnt ripen evenly and fruit was not as sweet as last season. Having seen the difference in the results, there is no way we will miss applying Kendon High K to our fruiting crops.
Kendon asked why I didnt buy insecticides and fungicides for my potato crop. I told them, I dont need to! I have been using Kendon High K for the last 25 or more years. I watch the deliveries of insecticides every 2 weeks to my neighbours and am thankful I do not have those costs.
High K
High potassium liquid foliar and root fertiliser with chelated trace elements