All Seasons White oil

For control of scale insects

Product type



For control of scale insects and certain other insects on citrus, shrubs, roses, ornamentals and for use as a spreader.

Controls scale, aphids, mites, mealy bugs, citrus leaf miner. Also red, white wax and other scales and spider mites.

Pack Sizes

500ml, 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L

Active ingredient

825 g/L Petroleum Oil

How to Use

  • Spray to cover both sides of leaves and to wet branches thoroughly.
  • Do not spray when shade temperature exceeds 30° or higher.
  • Do not spray when trees are suffering from moisture stress.
  • Do not pick edible plants for 1 day.

When to Use

  • DECIDUOUS FRUIT: Apply in winter after pruning trees & roses and before bud burst or at other times when pests occur.
  • CITRUS: At intervals of 5-14 days when young flush growth is present. Avoid spraying citrus in late Autumn.
  • INDOOR PLANTS & ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS & DAPHNE: Spray when pests appear. Repeat after 4 weeks.


  • Can be used in conjunction with Bordeaux and Malathion if used at low oil strengths.
  • Do not combine with Carbaryl, Lime Sulphur or other sulphur containing sprays. Certain plants are sensitive to oil sprays. Test on a small sample first if in doubt.
All Seasons White Oil
